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Library - Diary of Marion Becker from 1895

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Photos courtesy of Margaret Bott.

Text transcribed by Jackson West.



Jan 1 - We all went to Geo. Thayer’s. Had a good visit. Shen and wife came here to stay all night. Will came back tonight.

Jan 2 - I went down to Honeoye and to Levi Doolittle’s chalet mortgage sale. Will drew wood, etc. We cut some wood.

Jan 3 - I butchered. John Caskey and Mr. Kline helped. Will pressed hay. Transpose this day with ... above.

Jan 4 - Fri. W. and Mrs. Sanford, E. and I went up to W. C. Rop’s. Had a good time. Will helped move press down to Orrin Purcell’s.

Jan 5 - Sat. I cut up pork, wood, etc. Went to the Valley in the P.M. Got BBl, salt. Will pressed hay.

Jan 6 - Sun. We all went to church in a sleigh for the second time.

Jan 7 - Will pressed hay at Purcell’s. I helped E. wash and pack pork, skinnned sausage meat etc. Chopped the meat in the Eve.

Jan 8 - Tues. Will pressed hay and I


worked at meat Etc. Got a shoe siton. Flora borrowed a ham barrel of Sanford.

Wed. Jany 9th.. I drew some hay from the hill. Will came in the P.M. and brought the fragments of broken angle irons.

Th. Jany 10th.. Emma’s birthday.. A stormy day. Will and I rested most of the day. Will fired sleigh try some in the P.M. Frank Sanford and Hugh Wright here.

Fri. Jany. 11th.. Pa and I went to Wayland. Nice sleighing. Could not get repaired there and came back Via Springwater. Will cut wood.

Sat. Jany. 12th. I went to Honeoye Falls to day and got repairs for press. Art Doolittle went with me. Nice day. Got the iron all right. Will drew + cut wood.

Su. Jany 13th. Will and I went to church. A terrible cold day. Brought Spedee home from the Corners.

Mo. Jany. 14th.. Will went down to Uncle Allen’s to press and I helped E. and chored around.


Tu. Jany. 15th.. I carried some wire down to the boys and brought Mrs. Sanford and Sadie over here. Got home at noon and carried them home and went to the Corners in the P.M. Went over to Mr. Sanford’s and got a wheel for the press at night.

Wed. Jany. 16th. I carried the wheel down to the boys before breakfast this morn. Came home and cut some wood. Etc. Hoppough’s Sanford’s + Eldridge’s here.

Th. Jany. 17th.. I went to Springwater with a load of hay for Sanford. E., and Mrs. Eldridge went over there visiting.

Fri. Jany. 18th.. I went with a load of hay for Mr. Sanford, and went to the office at night. It snows like fury towards night.

Sat. Jany. 19th. Spedee’s birthday. I cut wood in The AUC and went to Honeoye after grist in the P.M. E. went to L.A. at Job’s. I got 174 lbs. flour and 322 lbs. feed.


Su. Jany. 20th. We are all here this morn. Will got through at Uncle Allen’s yesterday.

Mo. Jany 21st. I went to Springwater with lambs. Will helped move the press to Rick’s barn. Tenfold burned out at Reynolds’.

Tu. Jany 22nd. A bad day. Will + I chored some. He and the girls went up to the donation at night but the weather was so bad there was none. E. is sick.

Wed. Jany. 23d .. Another bad day. We are out doing much.

Th. Jany 24th.. My birthday. Will went up to press. Mrs. Sanford here.

Fri. Jany. 25th.. Will is pressing hay. I cut wood and drew straw and hay. A nice day. Frank Seward called here. I went on the hill with Will.

Sat. Jany. 26th. A terrible day. The boys pressed till 9 P.M. I chored and went to the Corners after. The mail. Boys broke the press again.

Sun. Jany. 27th. Will and I went to church. Emma is not well yet.


A very cold day. Sanford and I went to Livonia and took the train for Roch. Staid in Roch all night.

Mo. Jany. 28th.. I run over the city with Mr. Sanford and took the 11-50 train for Canandaigua. Session of bomard commenced to day.

Tu. Jany 29th. At Canandaigua. Will cut wood and thrashed beans.

Wed. Jany. 30th.. At Canandaigua. Will thrashed beans. I went to Harvey Shorts.

Th. Jany. 31st.. I went back to Canandaigua. A cold morning. Will chored and thrashed beans.

Fri. Feby. 1st.. At Canandaigua again. A nice day. Will thrashed beans.

Sat. Feby 2nd.. I drove Tibball’s horse home and carried Deys out. A cold ride. Got home at 5 P.M.

Su. Feby 3d.. We all went to church. A nice day. E. and the girls went to church at night. Sanford here.


Mo. Feby. 4th..I went back to Canandaigua this morn. A cold ride. Will worked at beans. Went to Miller Corners.

Tu. Feby 5th. I am at Canandaigua. Very cold. Came up from Bennett’s.

Wed Feby 6th..At session of board. Went down to Bennett’s again to night. Very cold.

Th. Feby 7th. Came back to C. this morn. Growing colder. Tried to go home but train was late + I could not go, went to Uncle Tom’s Cabin show.

Fri. Feby 8th. An awful day. Train all stalled. Board yet here and to stay till blockade raised.

Sat. Feby 9th. Another bad day. I freed around town till 3 P.M. and then H.L. Case and I walked to Bristol Center. I staid with Mr. C all night.

Sun. Feby 10th. I started at 9-30 A.M. for Canadice got home at 3 P.M. pretty tired. Thomas and Pa here.

Mo. Feby 11th. Broke roads a little and drove. Frank Seward called.


a pay of straw Etc. Cold but nice.

Tu. Feby. 12th. I chored all day except to break roads. A nice day. Will went after the mail. E, the boys, and I went over to Sanford a few minutes.

Wed. Feby 13th.. I carried Will to the train this morn. Pa went with me. Roads pretty bad. William Skinner, Mrs. Barringer, John Clemons all lay a corpse to day. Also Mrs. Henry McChcossen.

Th. Feby 14th.. I chored some and E. and I went up to the Corners.

Fri. Feby. 15th.. Mrs. Sanford and Sate here. I drew a couple loads hay from Thomas’ and sold and loaded my wool.

Sat. Feby 16th.. I went to the Atation with wool. A nice day. $102.23 for wool.

Su. Feby 17th. We all went to church. A nice day.

Mo. Feby 18th.. I went to the Station with lambs for Ira. A nice day. Came home by Uncle Allen’s.


Tu. Feby. 19th.. I chored around. Cut wood Etc. Went over to Mr. Sanford’s. C.B.H + wife and W.G.R and wife there.

Wed. Feby 20th. I went to Livonia again to day. Shipped a can of hay from here and one from Springwater for Gib Struble.

Th. Feby. 21st.. I chored around all day. About half sick from being at the donation last night.

Fri. Feby. 22nd.. Birthday of out Country’s father. Geo. Thayer and wife and Mr. Sanford and wife here. A good visit. I cut some wood.

Sat. Feby. 23d.. I sawed wood in the A.M. Gib Struble and Grove helped. Attended the Corners in the P.M. Thomas went with me. Emma went to the Aid.

Su. Feby. 24th.. We all went to church. Q quiet day.

Mo. Feby. 25th. I cut and drew a load of wood in the A.M. and in the P.M. E. and I went to Emma Owen’s funeral.

Tu. Feby. 26th.. Audit day. I was at the Corners all day. A cold blistering day. Mrs. and Mr. Sanford called to night.


Wed. Feby. 27th.. C.B. Hyde and wife, and W. G. Rofs and wife here to-day.

Th. Feby 28th.. Pa and I dried the last of my hay from Thomas’. A moist day. Drew 7 loads hay and one of straw from Douglass farm.

Fri. Feb March 1st.. A rainy bad day. I chored a little and posted my books. Frank Seward called. I called on Thomas E. a few minutes. He is pretty sick with Grippe. Colder to night.

Sat. March 2nd.. I split some wood and chored the rest of the day. A nice March day. The thaw is checked with quite a freeze. Emma and I called on Thomas’ folks this P.M. Pa called here. Levi. P Morton, Charles T. Saxton, James A. Garfield, John A. Logan. Chauncey M. Depew, James G. Blaine. Charles. J. Folger, John Sherman, Thomas B. Reed, Amy McKinley, Thomas C. Platt, Benjamin Harrison, Abraham Lincoln, MS Grant, Geo. Washington, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Will Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Chester A Arthur, Ms Becker, Ms Becker, Ms Becker, Ms, Becker, Ms Becker


Su. Mar. 3d.. We all went to church. A nice day.

Mo. March 4th.. I went down to Uncle Allen’s in the morn. And arranged for caring hay.

Tu. Mch. 5th.. Town meeting. Emma went up home. Came home at 4 P.M.

Wed. Mch. 6th. Emma and I went to the Valley.

Th. Mch. 7th.. Emma and I went down to Uncle Allen’s. Had a good visit.

Fri. Mch 8th. Emma and the children went down to Honeoye to sit for pictures. I carried them.

Sat. Mch 9th.. I chored around home and cut wood.

Su. Mch. 10th.. We all went to church. A nice day.

Mo. Mch. 11th.. I went over to H. Doolittle’s and bought some hay. Cut some wood in the A.M. Got Nell spool.

Tu. Mch. 12th.. I helped Jim Norget cut wood in the A.M. and got a shoe sit on. Jack in the P.M. Ida Struble here visiting. Last day of school. Went to Geo. Thayer’s at night.


Wed. Mch. 13th.. I went with a load of hay for Gib. Struble. Thawing fast. In the Eve we visited at Mr. Sanford’s with L. Hoppough’s and Thomas Eldridge’s people.

Th. Mch. 14th.. I cut a little wood and we visited at Sanford’s with Geo. Thayer’s people. A cold raw day. 1o above.

Fri. Mch 15th.. I went to Springwater with hay for Gib Struble. Took three loads up the hill. Loaded a car, shipped a load from Livonia Mon, and a load from Springwater to day.

Sat. Mch 16. I sawed a little wood with Frank Sanford’s help, split some, took the women to Ladies Aid at Hugh Wright’s and chored around. Myrtie Slingerhand called. A cold March day.

Ssu. Mch. 17th. A nice morn. We are all at home, All went to church.

Mo. Mch. 18th.. I went up on Brown Farm and 4 Bails hay and my log bob. E. went over to Mr. Sanford’s in the P.M. and Frank Sanford and I cleaned beans. Frank Slingerhand called.


Tu, Mch. 19th.. Spencer’s birthday. I chored around, cut wood, Etc.

Wed. Mch. 20th.. Uncle Allen and wife here. James Norget and wife also. Cut a little wood.

Th. Mch. 21st.. I sowed rye in the A.M. and drew a load of wood and sawed some in the P.M. Gib Struble helped saw.

Fri. Mch. 22nd.. I sowed two bays of rye and went to Gib Owen’s auction. Mr. Sanford and Mr. Norget went with me.

Sat. Mch. 23d.. This has been a nice week. Quite hard freeze nights. I split wood the most of the day. Emma is staying up home.

Su. Mch. 24th.. We all went to church. A splendid day.

Mo. Mch. 25th.. I chored around. Got Flora shod 3 shore. Cut some wood Etc.

Tu. Mch. 26th.. I went to Canandaigua after the public money. Geo. Thayer went with me. A bad day, snowy and rough.

Wed. Mch. 27th..I took the buggy over to Mr. Kimble’s. Got Jack and Ned shod forward 3 shoes, and chored some.


Th. Mch 28th.. Gib Struble and I sawed some wood from 9-30 to 1-30 and then I went to the Corners and carried Spedee. Got the mail Etc.

Fri. Mch 29th.. Emma and I went to the Station found the roads pretty good. Got only 10 cts for eggs, and sugar, grain for 4 cts per lb.

Sat. Mch 30th.. I chored and split wood in the A.M. and went to the meeting of the board in the P.M. Organized as Board of health and appointed overseer of poor in place of Geo. W. Thayer resigned. Thomas Eldridge was appointed to the office.

Su. Mch. 31st. We all went to church. Will and John Holmes came last night. Will went to church. Mr. Mrs. and Sadie Sanford called. A very pleasant day.

Mo. Apr. 1st.. A bad rainy day. Addie Anderson was buried today. I was bearer. She was buried at Canadice Hollow.

Tu. Apr. 2nd.. Will went to the Depot in the P.M. A nice day by cold wind


Will commenced work.

Wed. Apr. 3d.. I chored around in the A.M. and went up to L. Winch’s in the P.M. cold and snowy. Will drew manure.

Th. Apr. 4th.. I chored in the A.M. cut some wood. Pa and I went to Springwater in the P.M. sold my beans for $2.10 as theye are from the mill. Will cut wood.

Fri. Apr. 5th.. I took any beans to the Valley. Thomas took half or nearly so Will cut some. 46 24 62 (?) at $2.10. Took carpet rags to Corners.

Sat. Apr. 6th.. We worked at wood most of the day, drew 2 jays (?) hay from Thomas’, finished cutting wood at door. Spedee and the boys went down to Lew Hoppough’s. I carried them down.

Su. Apr. 7th.. We all went to church. Some rain.

Mo. Apr. 8th.. Will cut some wood and I helped. Jim Norget cut wood ¾ day. Came down on Douglass farm and cut some at night.

Tu. Apr. 9th,, Will and I cut wood in the P.M. Will picked beans. Heavy rain at 1 P.M.


Wed. Apr. 10th. I went to Canandaigua. Went on train by Rush junction. Will cut wood.

Th. Apr. 11th.. I am at Canandaigua. Will cut wood. I got home at 9 P.M. Splendid day. Left Ned at Uncle Hiram’s.

Fri. Apr. 12th.. Will and I drew manure from shed. Quite fair to day.

Sat. Apr. 13th.. We drew manure in the A.M. and in the P.M. I carried E. and Mrs. E. up to Sarah’s to the L.A. Will and the boys went up to the Brown farm after a load of hay. I went there from the Corners and helped load it. Some rain.

Su. Apr. 14th. We staid at home to day. Pa and Spencer called here. A dark gloomy day. No preaching to day. L.M. at the Valley.

Mo. Apr. 15th.. Will sorted potatoes in the P.M. I went to the Corners and Will painted wall.

Tu. Apr. 16th.. I painted some in the A.M. and went down to Uncle Allen’s after dinner. Will shored and freed (?) fence all day. The boys went with me.


Wed. Apr. 17th.. I painted some wall and sowed some seed in the A.M. and went to Springwater in the P.M. Spedee went with me. Will chored around and cut wood.

Th. Apr. 18th.. We cut wood and painted wall Etc. Drew a load of hay from Brown farm in the P.M.

Fri. Apr. 19th.. Sheared sheep and Will picked up rubbish Etc. and cut wood. Jim Norget helped me shear. Elder Britsol was here to dinner. A nice day.

Sat. Apr. 20th.. I took my wood to Livonia, Dayton went with me. Harrison went to the city. A warm day. Will drew manure on Douglass farm.

Su. Apr. 21st.. A splendid morn. We all went to church.

Mo. Apr. 22nd.. I cleaned oats in the A.M. and helped E. wash carpet, make soap, Etc. Will worked at wood in the P.M. We got a load of hay from Brown Farm and I went to the Corners after the mail. Will plowed the garden.


Tu. Apr. 23d.. Pa and I went to Wayland and I ordered a democrat of Kimmel (?) + Son to be delivered to me and if satisfactory I am to pay $60.00. Will commenced plowing.

Wed. Apr. 24th.. I worked around the house in the A.M. dragged garden Etc. Will plowed. I plowed in the P.M. and helped E. put on border. Hard freeze last night. Nice day.

Th. Apr. 25th.. We both plowed. Splendid day. I helped put down carpet at noon. W [entry ends]

Fri. Apr. 26th.. I finished sowing seed on the rye. And in the P.M. we finished plowing the east lot on Dony Lars (?) farm.

Sat. Apr. 27th.. I chored all day, finished trimming trees Etc. Will dragged and got a shoe sit on Jack and one on Ned. Ladies Aid met here to day.

Su. Apr. 28th.. We all went to church. A nice day. Rev. P.S. Lent (?) preached.

Mo. Apr. 29th.. I drew a load of hay from Brown’s barn in the A.M. and put the sheep on Dony Lars (?) farm and set up a leach. In the P.M. I dragged. Will dragged all day.


Tu. Apr. 30th.. I sowed the pine grove lot in the A.M. and helped Will drag them in the P.M. Will dragged all day.

Wed. May 1st.. I sowed seed on pine grove lot in the A.M. Came down and took up and set the currant bushes. Sowed mill lot to oats in the P.M. and Will dragged all day. Jay dragged all day. It is getting dry.

Th. May 2nd.. We commenced fitting the east lot, sowed 4 acres of it and dragged them in.

Fri. May 3d.. We fitted the balance of the east lot and sowed 3 bushels and dragged them in.

Sat. May 4th.. We finished sowing oats, and I sowed end on this mill lot. Very warm. Will most sick.

Su. May 5th.. We went to church. 92 in the shade.A nice but very dry.

Mo. May 6th.. I sheared for H. Adams. J. Norget went with me. Will packed (?) stowe (?).

Tu. May 7th.. I sheared for Mr. Adams. I staid with him last night.


John West worked ½ day. Mrs. Gray came.

Wed. May 8th.. I planted some in garden, set out some currant bushes Etc. sowed some peas. Set out (?) grape vines got from Thomas’. Many grape west of shed.

Th. May 9th.. I worked in garden in the AM. And went to Springwater in the P.M. came home over the hill. Will plowed yesterday + to day for beans.

Fri. May 10th. I went to Canandaigua with L.J. Hyde. Terrible hot, got home at 11 P.M. Will plowed.

Sat. May 11th. I carried Mrs. Gray home and took dinner with Uncle Allen. Took some bean ground, heave shower. Will drew manure east of tame. I finished a little with Dan. + West Slout. Emma attended the aid at the lake house. Cool.

Su. May 12th.. Will and I went to church. Very cold. E. and the children staid at home. Spedee staid at the Corners last night and came home with us. Rev. Pert preached


May 13th.. Mo. Will went down to Uncle Allen’s and commenced to plow for beans. I plowed a little east of the white barn and drew 4 loads of manure. Sowed seed on east Dorylars lot.

Tu. May 14th.. A heavy rain to day. I sheared one half day for D Porston. Morgot helped. Will came home. Minnie, Margot and Leona Hoppough staid here to night. N***** show at school house. Ground frozen hares Monday morn.

Wed. May 15th.. Will dried manure east of the barn and I plowed on some field. Very cool. Freeze at night.

Th. May 16th.. I plowed and dragged. Will went down to Uncle Allen’s to plow and I and Maud went up to the Corners. I went to meet them at night.

Fri. May 17th.. E and I went to Wayland and had a sick horse. Maud went too. Nelly got a little better.


and we came as far as the Valley and I staid at Uncle Hirame with her. Sent E. and Maud home with Flora. Nelly is very sick.

Sat. May 18th.. Nelly is a little better this morn. She saw a terrible night. I gave up saving her at 10 last night. But at 12 she appeared a little better. Continued to improve the remainder of night. Allie staid with me ‘till 2 A.M. and I sat up ‘till 4 A.M.

Su. May 19th.. A raining day after 10 A.M. Pa and Thomas called. Nelly is better. I got home last night. Gab brought the democrat and seed corn home. Grove rode with him having come down with Flora. I got them home all right. Will came from Uncle Allen’s at night.

Mo. May 20th.. Will plowed on Douglass farm for beans. I chored around. Very cold.

Tu. May 21st.. I went to special meeting of board at Canandaigua. Geo Thayer went with me. Emma staid at


Thayer’s. Very cold. Board voted to dispose of jail if it can be done without expense to county. Will plowed.

Wed. May 22nd.. I worked a little and laid down some. Was most sick. Will plowed. I helped E. put down carpet Etc.

Th. May 23d.. Dayton and I went to Hornellsville. Will finished plowing on Douglass farm and commenced on Reid farm. A nice day. Dayton had a big day.

Fri. May 24th.. I drilled in 2 acres of corn and dragged the garden and took the drag on the Douglass farm + fitted beet and carrot ground. Will plowed on Reid farm for potatoes.

Sat. May 25th.. I painted blinds, made garden and sowed seeds in beet patch on hill. Will dragged bean ground.

Su. May 26th.. A nice cool morning. Harrison is better of his bee stings. We all went to church. Spencer + little boy here a while. Rain.


Mo. May 27 A cold rain this morn. Will went down to Uncle Allen’s to plow bean ground. I went to Bert Tibbals’ and got home at noon.

Tu. May 28 I fitted ground for potatoes and picked stone. Reid farm. Will finished plowing bean ground and came on the hill in the P.M.

Wed. May 29th. I went to Wayland after democrat bought at Hornellsvilleand also seed potatoes. Will went to salt well after salt. Very hot.

Th. May 30th. I sheared for H.L. Salter. Very hot. Will was most sick and he and the rest went to Springwater to decoration services.

Fri. May 31st.. Will and I worked at potato ground. I sowed salt and dragged. He plowed and dragged.

Sat. Jun 1 We worked at potato ground. Spedee and the boys went up planting 1½ acres. High wind and hot.


Su. June 2 A nice morning and high wind. The ground is getting dry.

Mo. June 3d.. I planted 13½ Bus. potatoes on Reid farm. Same + Lem Masters helped me in the P.M. also Wilts, M. Will filled bean ground on Douglass farm. I went to A.H. Tibbal’s and got 15 Ber’s seed potatoes at 30 cts.

Tu. June 4th.. E. and I went on Reid farm and took colt, planted 1½ Bus. potatoes. A nice rain in the P.M. Went to Springwater. This should be Wed.

Wed June 5th.. I sheared for L. Wende. Terrible hot. Will dragged. This should be Thursday, E.

Th. June 6th.. A wet morn. I went to Bald Hill and to the Corners at night, planted a few beans. Will at ABB’s.

Fri. June 7 I planted beans. Lem helped. John Caskey and Cyrus Allen worked at the stump.

Sat. June 8th.. I drew a load of hay. Sowed some beet seeds Etc.


worked in garden Etc. Will came home from Uncle Allen’s. John + Cyrus worked ¾ day.

Su. June 9th.. We all went to church on children’s day. Had a good entertainment.

Mo. June 10th.. I went to Canandaigua to see about law-suit. It did not come off. Will went down to Uncle Allen’s to fit bean ground.

Tu. June 11th.. E, Maude, and I went down to Uncle Allen’s. I planted some beans and Will fitted ground all day. Montee (?) died 4 years

Wed. June 12th.. I went to Livonia after sowed beans, came back and Will and I finished planting on Uncle Allen’s. Will staid all night.

Th. June 13th.. Will and I worked a little in the garden in A.M. and in the P.M. we went fishing. Harrison and Dayton went with us. A nice little shower. E. went over to Job’s a little while.


Fri. June 14th. I went on Reid farm and planted about ¼ acre of beans. Came home at 11 A.M. Will went home this morn. Jay went with him to Depot. Mrs. Sanford, Mrs. Electa Doolittle and Mrs. John Holmes and daughter here.

Sat. June 15th.. I am most sick to day. I set some celery plants, hoed some in garden and laid down some.

Su. June 16th.. We all went to church. A hot day and very dry.

Mo. June 17th. I built the south door platform and chored around. Will came home to night.

Tu. June 18th.. Will commenced to fit brickwheat ground. I worked some and grunted more. Terrible hot and dry.

Wed. June 19th.. Earl adams and Ola Huff married to day. Very warm. Will cultivated beans. I worked around house and garden.
